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I heard that Interbotix's official API has a bug. How do I fix it?


The arm’s official API is unable to process rapid sequential movement commands. That is, suppose move(p) represents an API command to move the arm’s gripper to some point p within a given coordinate frame. Roughly speaking, then, the arm is unable to comply when we execute move(p1), move(p_2), and move(p_3) in rapid succession.


Modify the queue_size arguments of three ROS publishers in the arm's API source code.


  1. Download Interbotix's official API by following the instructions here.

  2. Open interbotix_ws/src/interbotix_ros_toolboxes/ interbotix_xs_toolbox/interbotix_xs_modules/src/interbotix_xs_modules/core. py

  3. Change the queue_size argument of the pub_group, pub_single, and pub_traj publishers from 1 to 20.

Why does this work?

If you don't have time, skip this section.

To see why the fix works, we should first get a brief overview of how the arm’s movement API behaves under the hood.

A movement function of the arm API works by publishing command messages over one or more of three topics:

  1. JointSingleCommand messages over /px100/commands/joint_single,
  2. JointGroupCommand messages over /px100/commands/joint_group, or
  3. JointTrajectoryCommand messages over /px100/commands/joint_trajectory.

And when a message is published over one of these three topics, the /px100/xs_sdk node that subscribes to the topics processes the message and orders the arm to move as the the message directs.

So if a user calls an API movement function at a rate R, the API function in turn should publish command messages at a rate R, which the /px100/xs_sdk node should process at the same rate.

But for any ROS publisher p, p works by storing the messages it is to publish in a queue, and processing them sequentially. Further, where m is a message, if we call p.publish(m) when p’s queue is full, ROS silently drops m and never publishes it.

Now the queue_size of the publishers that the API’s movement functions used were all set to 1. Thus, if the rate R at which we called an API movement function was too high, the publishers would often try to publish a message m when its queue was full, thus dropping m. Thus, this problem is solved by simply increasing the queue_size of the mentioned publishers from 1 to a generous 20.