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The provides an API to control the robot by emulating a PS4 controller, similar to this. Main difference is some keybinds are different, but it can also be called from code.

The UDP message

This is a breakdown of the dictionary's fields that is sent through UDPComms to the robot.

Field Value Comments
lx [-1,1] Walk left or right
ly [-1,1] Walk front or backwards
rx [-1,1] Turn left or right (yaw)
ry [-1,1] Tilt up or down (pitch)
L2 0 Nothing
R2 0 Nothing
R1 1 or 0 Toggle trot/rest
L1 1 or 0 Toggle activation/deactivation
dpadx [-1,1] Move body up or down
dpady [-1,1] Roll left/right (roll)
square 0 Nothing
circle 0 Nothing
triangle 0 Nothing
x 0 Nothing
message_rate 20 Rate of which messages are sent

Note: values [-1,1] means any values between -1 and 1 and values 1 or 0 are a toggle. This means that the first time 1 is sent, it will cause the value on the pupper to change. A 0 needs to be sent before another 1 will cause a toggle.

It is a good idea to use some sort of smoothing for lx, ly and rx to avoid abrupt stops.


If running the controller manually, these are the controls:

Keybind Function
space Toggle trot/rest
v Toggle activation
w/s Move forward/back
a/d Turn left/right
q/e Move left/right
x Stop any sort of movement

Control sequence

Robot must first be activated, this will also trigger calibration if the pupper software was run with the --zero flag. Then it must be in trotting mode and only then can it be controlled with other functions.