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Example Map


  • The discretization of the environment is done in /src/ in the PathFinder class
  • The parameters for discretization are in the params.yaml file and affect the inflation of obstacles in the graph, step size of the robot (distance from one vertex to it's immediate neighbors), the length and width of the graph to generate, as well as if the graph search should explore nodes diagonally
  • The discretization happens in the explore method which uses two serial doubly nested lambda expressions to create a matrix of Point objects which gets converted into a matrix of Node objects containing point, distance, previous, and explored which are the required fields to perform a graph search on this data
  • The graph search happens in the PathFinder class in the solve method which performs a Dijkstra shortest path search from the node corresponding to the agent location to the node nearest to the goal location
  • The algorithm operates the same as a standard shortest path search but has several optimizations built in to account for the limited hardware of the RaspberryPi

Path Profiling

  • Path profiling is the process of converting the path, a list of Point objects to a series of distances, and headings for the controller to follow
  • The math for it is in src/ which finds the angle and distance between two points

Potential Improvements

Many potential improvements exist to boos the performance, accuracy, and resolution of the planning module. Some ideas are: * Use dynamic programming to eliminate redundant in_range_of_boundary_quick checks for the same node * Implement a gradient based approach to converting configuration space into edge weights * Use a better shortest path search algorithm or a sampling-based approach so discretization is not necessary