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Software Setup

Pupper Base Software Setup

Instructions for the base software setup can be found in the doc. See notes section for project-specific instructions.

Notes on the setup doc

  • 3.c: en1 might not exist on the Pi. To find out which network interface to use run sudo ifconfig and look at the first interface it lists. For this project, it was eth0.
  • 4.d.ii: Although it says Mac/linux, this is not always the case. If ls /dev | grep tty.usbmodem shows no results try ls /dev | grep ttyACM. For this project, it was ttyACM0.

Running base software

Follow instructions here. The keyboard program mentioned can be found here.

Setting up this project

Install the dependencies using pip:


  • picamera
  • pupil_apriltags
  • tqdm
  • scipy
  • UDPComms
  • pyyaml
  • opencv or cv2
  • argparse
  • pickle
  • matplotlib


The full software can be run using python, or the controller can be run separately using python3 src/