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Multi-Robot Home Surveillance

Table of Contents

Problem Statement


  • The home above is divided into four security zones.
  • We can think of them as a sequence, ordered by their importance: [A, B, C, D].
  • If we have n live robots, we want the first n zones in the list to be patrolled by at least one robot.
  • n== 2 → patrolled(A, B);
  • n == 3 → patrolled(A, B, C)
  • 1 <= n <= 4
  • The goal is for this condition to be an invariant for our program, despite robot failures.
  • Let robotz refer to the robot patrolling zone Z.
  • Illustration:
  • n == 4 → patrolled(A, B, C, D)
  • robotA dies
  • n == 3 → patrolled(A, B, C)
  • robotB dies
  • n == 2 → patrolled(A, B)
  • robotA dies
  • n == 1 → patrolled(A)


  • We need to:
  • map the home
    • SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) with the gmapping package
  • have multiple robots patrol the security zone in parallel
    • AMCL (Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization) and the move_base package
    • One thread per robot with a SimpleActionClient sending move_base goals
  • have the system be resilient to robot failures, and adjust for the invariant appropriately
    • Rely on Raft’s Leader Election Algorithm (‘LEA’) to elect a leader robot.
    • The remaining robots will be followers.
    • The leader is responsible for maintaining the invariant among followers.
  • More on system resiliency:
  • The leader always patrols zone A, which has the highest priority.
  • On election, the leader assigns the remaining zones to followers to maintain the invariant.
  • On leader failure:
    • global interrupts issued to all patrol threads (all robots stop).
    • the LEA elects a new leader
  • On follower failure:
    • local interrupts issued by leader to relevant patrol threads (some robots stop).
    • Example:
    • n==4 → patrol(A, B, C, D)
    • robotB dies
    • leader interrupts robotD
    • leader assigns robotD to zone B
    • n==3 → patrol(A, B, C)

Video Demo

Watch the System in Action!

Program Structure

  • Two points of entry: real_main.launch and sim_main.launch.
  • real_main.launch:
  • used for real-world surveillance of our home environment
  • runs the map_server with the home.yaml and home.png map files obtained by SLAM gmapping.
    • All robots will share this map_server
  • launches robots via the real_robots.launch file (to be shown in next slide)
  • launches rviz with the real_nav.rviz configuration
  • sim_main.launch:
  • used for simulated surveillance of gazebo
  • works similarly to real_main.launch except it uses a map of stage_4 and sim_robots.launch to run gazebo models of the robots via tailored urdf files.

TF Tree

TF Tree

RViz Interface

RViz Interface

Leader Election Algorithm

  • Based on Diego Ongaro et al. 2014, “In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm”
  • The full Raft algorithm uses a replicated state machine approach to maintain a set of nodes in the same state. Roughly:
  • Every node (process) starts in the same state, and keeps a log of the commands it is going to execute.
  • The algorithm elects a leader node, who ensures that the logs are properly replicated so that they are identical to each other.
  • Raft’s LEA and log replication algorithm are fairly discrete. We will only use the LEA.

  • Background:

    1. Each of the robots is represented as an mp (member of parliament) node.
    2. mp_roba, mp_rafael, etc.
    3. Each node is in one of three states: follower, candidate, or leader.
    4. If a node is a leader, it starts a homage_request_thread that periodically publishes messages to the other nodes to maintain its status and prevent new elections.
    5. Every mp node has a term number, and the term numbers of mp nodes are exchanged every time they communicate via ROS topics.
    6. If an mp node’s term number is less than a received term number, it updates its term number to the received term number.
  • LEA:
    1. On startup, every mp node is in the follower state, and has:
      1. a term number; and
      2. a duration of time called the election timeout.
    2. When a follower node receives no homage request messages from a leader for the duration of its election timeout, it:
      1. increments its term number;
      2. becomes a candidate;
      3. votes for itself; and
      4. publishes vote request messages to all the other mp nodes in parallel.
    3. When a node receives a request vote message it will vote for the candidate iff:
      1. the term number of the candidate is at least as great as its own; and
      2. the node hasn’t already voted for another candidate.
    4. Once a candidate mp node receives a majority of votes it will:
      1. become a leader;
      2. send homage request messages to other nodes to declare its status and prevent new elections.
    5. The election timeout duration of each mp node is a random quantity within 2 to 3 seconds.
    6. This prevents split votes, as it’s likely that some follower will timeout first, acquire the necessary votes, and become the leader.
    7. Still, in the event of a split vote, candidates will:
      1. reset their election timeout durations to a random quantity within the mentioned interval;
      2. wait for their election timeout durations to expire before starting a new election.

Resiliency and Node Failure Detection

  • The election timeout feature is part of what enables leader resiliency in my code.
    • When a leader node is killed, one of the follower nodes time out and become the new leader.
  • roscore keeps a list of currently active nodes. So:
    • followers, before transitioning to candidate state, update their list of live mp nodes by consulting roscore.
    • leaders do the same via a follower_death_handler thread, which runs concurrently with main thread and the homage_request thread, and maintains the invariant.


  • The mp nodes are all running on the remote VNC computer, which also runs the roscore.
    • So killing the mp node is just a simulation of robot failure, not true robot failure.
      • We’re just killing a process on the vnc computer, not the robot itself
    • We can remedy this by binding the mp node’s life to any other nodes that are crucial to our robot fulfilling its task.
      • E.g., for our project the /roba/amcl and /roba/move_base nodes are critical.
      • So we can consult roscore periodically to see if any of these nodes die at any given point. And if they do, we can kill mp_roba.
      • We can also define and run more fine-grained custom nodes that keep track of any functional status of the robot we’re interested in, and bind the life of those custom nodes to the mp nodes.
  • Running each mp node on its corresponding robot is a bad idea!
    • Only if a robot gets totally destroyed, or the mp process fails, will the algorithm work.
    • Performance will take a hit:
    • bandwidth must be consumed for messages between mp nodes
    • robot’s computational load will increase
  • Our system has a single point of failure; the VNC computer running roscore.
    • So we have to keep the VNC safe from whatever hostile environment the robots are exposed to.
    • Maybe this can be remedied in ROS2, which apparently does not rely on a single roscore.
  • Our patrol algorithm is very brittle and non-adversarial
    • Depends on AMCL and move_base, which do not tolerate even slight changes to the environment, and which do not deal well with moving obstacles.
    • There are no consequences to disturbing the patrol of the robots, or the robots themselves (e.g. no alarm or ‘arrests’)


  • The LEA is fairly modular, and the algorithm can be adapted to tasks other than patrolling.
    • It would work best for tasks which are clearly ordered by priority, and which are hazardous, or likely to cause robot failures.
    • Completely fanciful scenarios:
      • Drone strikes: Maybe certain military targets are ordered by priority, and drones can be assigned to them in a way that targets with a higher priority receive stubborn attention.
      • Planetary exploration: Perhaps some areas of a dangerous planet have a higher priority that need to be explored than others. Our system could be adapted so that the highest priority areas get patrolled first.

Team Members

  • James Lee (

Special Thanks

  • A special thanks to Adam Ring, the TA for the course, who helped with the project at crucial junctures.